Looking Forward

Despite a new baby, 2011 was without a doubt, the most stable year we have had since we got married. Every year of our marriage so far has been filled with so much change, that having only one change in a year was a big deal. Starting 2012, we have nothing major on the horizon, and we don’t really know what to think about it.

Last week, I read on a blog I love (Tiny Twig) about an exercise called “State of Our Union” that the blogger does with her husband every year to plan for the upcoming year. It inspired me, so this past weekend, Stuart and I went to a cozy coffee shop nearby and tackled the list of topics.

I love meetings and forms, so this was so fun for me! We outlined goals for the year, and I was surprised how many we had in common. After almost 4 years of marriage, I have learned that while our goals are typically the same, the way we approach our goals is drastically different. I think this is probably our #1 topic of disagreement. Hopefully advanced planning helps make this process smoother this year.

I had a few aha moments during the process. There is this position I want, and I keep trying to subtly hint at how I want it. I am nervous to straight out ask for it because I am afraid I may not be seen as qualified enough, and that I will be seen as foolish for even asking. I’ve been going along with that thinking for a long time, and listing this position as a personal goal made me realize that I need to actually do something to get it. I realized in that moment that I NEED to ask for it. So I will be working on that this month. I love how getting things on paper can change your perspective!

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